League Play

Teams are divided across the entire age group, and we have 4 teams. J2013 are 12-year-olds, and therefore play 9-a-side football.

General information about the game format can be found here, with rules and guidelines specified here and guidelines for children's and youth football here.

Team information is as follows:

Team Min Fotball (FIKS)
🔴 Red FIKS (Contact Info++) - Matches
🟡 Yellow FIKS (Contact Info++) - Matches
🔵 Blue FIKS (Contact Info++) - Matches
🟢 Green FIKS (Contact Info++) - Matches

Contact information for team leaders/coaches can be found on FIKS, but is also updated in the Spond event invitations.

The girls always belong to a team, but the teams are not static throughout the season. This means that there will be changes in the teams for various reasons. Team composition assessment is carried out by the club in consultation with the coach/team leader group. There will be a specific assessment in early June and mid-September, but changes may occur outside these periods if needed.

Information about team composition will be sent out to everyone through Spond.

Basic Guidelines

Team distribution is done based on social considerations with respect to current skill levels. The goal is to ensure that everyone has an arena for mastery and enjoyment. We will achieve this by establishing teams that are competitive across the age group, without any teams experiencing being too dominant or inferior. It's not fun to win all matches 8-0, nor is it fun to lose all matches similarly.

Everyone who shows up for a match should have approximately equal playing time. There are no fixed roles in the team, and it is desirable that everyone gets to try different positions. We understand that there are preferences, but they cannot always be accommodated. It is an important element this year to understand that the coach's role also includes distributing players to positions to achieve the best possible flow and enjoyment.

Match Call-ups

Match call-ups are conducted through Spond approximately 7 days before the match. Everyone is expected to respond whether they can 👍 or cannot 👎 participate within 2 days before the match.

There should be a minimum of 11 players for each match, 9 on the field and 2 substitutes. Everyone is called up for matches, but there will likely be a maximum limit on the number of players.

In any case, it is important that everyone gets offered the same number of matches.

Before the Match

Before a home match, the team leader/coach should contact the opposing team's leader/coach to align levels and ensure we plan for an even match.

In addition to this, the team leader/coach should contact the assigned referee for the match and confirm that the referee will participate, or find a replacement if necessary.

During the Match

Home Match

It is required to provide at least one match host, and it is the home team's responsibility to ensure this is done. Therefore, a "match host" role should be included in Spond call-ups for home matches. This role cannot be filled by someone who already has a role in the team, so it must be filled by a parent.

Being a match host mainly involves welcoming the opposing team and referee, knowing where medical equipment is located (ask coach/team leader about this), encouraging positivity among spectators and showing them where they can stand (opposite side from the teams). If any unwanted incidents occur during the match, the match host should take initiative to resolve this and report it to the club's fair play representative. Complete role description can be found here.

Away Match

...more info coming