Tournaments provide an opportunity for extended social interaction, playing multiple matches together, and with different team compositions than in the league. We aim to participate in as many tournaments as there is interest for, and we want everyone to have equal opportunities.
To participate in a tournament, we depend on the following:
- Assessment of the number of players (to ensure we register the correct number of teams)
- Organization of implementation
We need to know relatively early who wants to and has the opportunity to participate in tournaments. Tournaments often have deadlines that can make it difficult to suddenly register or withdraw a team afterward.
In addition to this, we need parents to assist with tournament organization, especially regarding logistics.
Tournament Types
Suggestions are TENTATIVE
Joint tournaments without level division
We aim to participate at least once in spring and once in autumn. This type of tournament is our "standard," and we strive to participate in as many of these as possible.
Season | Date | Tournament | Comment |
Spring 2025 | 26.04.2025/27.04.2025 | Veslefrikk Lyn Kickoff Cup 2025 | Discount for registration before March 1st. Options for experienced and moderately experienced, we're thinking teams in moderately experienced. |
Autumn 2025 | 18.10.2025 / 19.10.2025 | ØHIL 9-a-side Cup | Note! We have volunteer duties at this tournament. |
The goal of this type of tournament is primarily to play together across skill levels without division, and strengthen social bonds between teams. This doesn't mean that teams are divided exclusively along social lines, as we believe there is strength in a broad social arena. It's very important here that all teams are fairly balanced so that we don't end up exceeding the boundaries of the level we're registered for.
Joint differentiated tournaments
Here we also aim for once in spring and once in autumn. Teams will be registered according to skill levels so that everyone gets maximum sporting challenge and enjoyment. There will most likely be opportunities to share experiences and meet across teams, for example by cheering for each other between matches.
Season | Date | Tournament | Comment |
Spring 2025 | 24.05.2025 / 25.05.2025 | Flint Strandman U12 Cup | We need to clarify interest, participation, and accommodation possibilities. Located in Tønsberg. |
Autumn 2025 | 20.09.2025 / 21.09.2025 | Ready 9-a-side Cup | Minimum 4 matches, level division in all classes |
Overnight tournaments
There will be at least one overnight tournament, which is the OBOS tournament inland at Hamar. This is conducted like a regular tournament, without differentiated teams.
Season | Date | Tournament | Comment |
Summer 2025 | 08.08.2025 / 10.08.2025 | Sandar Cup | Sandar Cup, like two years ago. |
Summer 2025 | 22.08.2025 / 24.08.2025 | OBOS tournament inland | Hamar, same tournament as last year. This is the joint tournament. |
More Information
More information about tournaments is being prepared.